Thursday 13 May 2010

Change of plan

I decided to change my mind after on Sunday regarding the race on Monday. I wasn't going to send but decided it was best if I did. I thought that with all the work going on in the garden this coming week the birds would be badly disrupted so as there were 2 races could afford to miss one. So I opted for the 1st. I sent 1 hen and she come home but was a long way behind the club winner. I was not concerned with the race and she went merely for the experience and the benefit she had from a 5 hour fly. She hadn't been out at all since the previous race. Now she has a full weeks rest and will loft fly before she goes to Newbury (97 miles) on the 22nd May. The following week she will go to Lilliers. This is the first 'over the water' race this season and one of the top targets for this loft in the coming few years.
I have taken this week to separate the stock birds and they will be repaired in the coming week with different partners. I have planned it well and hoping all goes smoothly. I now have 37 weaned off with 11 in the nest and 6 eggs. (I smashed a lot of eggs when splitting the existing stock pairs.) The loft has now been finished and the picture has now been updated on the main website.

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