Monday 29 June 2015

All set for next year!

It has been a very quiet year at the lofts, but big plans have been laid down for next year. We have only bred a very select amount of birds. 3 went to the Pigeon Pixels One Loft Race in Ireland and we have bred 8 for our own stock loft purposes.

In the loft we now have built a whole stock team around just 1 bird - Rasbull Semtex. We have 5 children from him (50% his blood), another 6 from him when paired to his own daughter (75% his blood) and 2 double grandchildren from him (50% his blood). So 11 children in total and 2 double grandchildren. We also have Rasbull Semtex himself, so 14 very closely related and all our pairs for next year will consist of these birds. We aim to fully test the youngsters they breed and will then go forward from there. Breeding has now finished for this year and we have just 3 left in the nest boxes. I will update as news from the Pigeon Pixels One Loft Race comes through as these are Grandchildren from Rasbull Semtex also. Keep an eye out for news on Pigeon Pixels Forum!!

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