Tuesday 20 December 2011


The stock birds are now settled in their section. I have 1 pair that have still not paired up but I am happy to leave them pair in their own time. I had a pair that turned out to be 2 hens! So I have 7 pairs of stock birds that have paired up. 4 of those pairs have now laid and I will transfer these eggs under the race birds who have been left to their own devices. I have 14 pairs in the race section and about 8 of these have settled and several are sitting eggs. My main aim with pairing up early was to foster several of my best pairs and get them back down on eggs so hopefully by January I will have 4 eggs from all my top pairs. If I only have 12-14 young birds by January then I am happy with that as it still leaves plenty of time to breed my team of young birds for 2012.

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