Monday, 9 August 2010

I hate this moment!

I let the latebreds out for the first time this afternoon and I must say I dont know whether I enjoy or hate the moment you open the door. I have not bothered with them at all and they have been left too long if anything. So I thought today was the day! I have 12 in total that went out today for the 1st time and I have another 4 still in the nest. I also have my top pair sitting one last round of eggs. They potched around the garden and flew upto the roof. Then it started to rain and they lazed about having a bath! I still have 4 out somewhere at nightfall!!! I hope they have found a safe place to spend the night and hope to get them back into the loft tomorrow. I hate this and sooner they are under control the better. It is my own fault, as I have not taught them to come when called. But the main race birds have taken my time up so these will have to learn and learn fast. I have just been working out what I have in way of young birds if I get all these back into the loft what with the ones still in the nest and the 2 eggs. I total it to be 43 in all, of which 21 have had 2 races up to 100 miles. So another team of 22 to play about with for the comebacks - although 6 of these will not be ready in time.

The Europa birds were trained today from 35 miles and apart from 1 being 9 minutes behind the winner, the other 5 were all timed within 1 minute. The positions were 87th, 201st, 293rd, 294th, 398th and 924th out of the 940 birds clocked in.

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