This weeks Welsh South East Combine race from Folkstone is due to take place on Sunday. It is the biggest race I would say I have been involved in since rejoining the sport. Although I have flown from Reims in France during this Old Bird season this will be with the new dynasty of Rasbull Rockets and this is the biggest test they have faced to date. They have currently flew in the South East Combine from Maidstone and put up a good performance in an unfavourable wind winning 2nd Club. This weeks forecast is for a South East wind which is the best we could have and quite strong as well!
The birds are exercising well around the loft and tonight put in their best work for weeks. They have put the weight back on they had lost coming out of the Newbury race last week. I plan to loft fly them all week with a training toss on Friday just to sharpen them up ready for Sundays big one!
If all the preparation goes as planned, I get the feeding correct (which I got completely wrong last race!) and the wind stays as South East there will be no excuses come post race time on Sunday if they have come up short! I am so looking forward to this race it can not come soon enough! I have not yet decided how many I am going to send and will decide nearer the time.
The Europa Classic today announced that the first prize for this year will be £21,000! The others will all be 30% of the advertised prizes as the loft is only 1/3 full. The birds have a tough week ahead of them with training from 90 miles, 60 miles and 120 miles planned for the next 3 days. They have already been 80 miles and 60 miles already this week. If they come through this week they are more of less guaranteed a place in the race for the final on the 12th September!
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