So after their 1 hour fly this evening, they were fed a smaller amount and will go training at 2.30pm tomorrow afternoon. I was going to basket them up earlier and let them stay in the crates overnight, but after some though I decided against this.
So I will take them 5 miles tomorrow for the first toss. I handled all the young birds on Saturday and disposed of 2 which didn't quite look the part.
Should they all come tomorrow from the training toss, they will then have a 1 hour fly at 5pm and fed at 6pm.
I will continue to do the same for the next week to 10 days dependant on the weather. When the birds are coming well from 5 miles, I will step them up to 15 miles. I don't like to spend too much time with short tosses and feel the birds if capable should be able to do 30 miles in no time at all.
So this is it! Just hoping a hawk doesn't go through them on this first toss!
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