Friday, 16 July 2010

Please let the weather be good!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the weather comes good this coming week. My birds have been going out in between the heavy rain showers but training has not been possible. I have still only had the 4 training tosses and need to push the birds on now as soon as I can.
The first club race is tomorrow and then another short one next week. I hope to get them to the 30 miles stage at least in time for the 3rd race.
The youngsters in the nest are coming along nicely, with 13 in the nest. I will take another round from all my stock birds (7 pairs). I have 2 coming from my friend so will have around 29. This will be a nice amount of late breds that will be kept away from the main race young birds in a separate loft. I will let them mature and grow and then train them hard once young bird racing is over.
I vaccinated the remaining young birds in the race team that hadn't been vaccinated so all now ready to race. I have a few transfers to do which will enable me to race the birds and these will be sent off on Monday.
I made a few changes to the young bird loft today and hoping this helps bring the birds into better condition ready for racing.
Until next time........

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