Its been a great few weeks for our test loft birds following the 1st Club, 1st Federation achieved by Mr and Mrs Winder, 2nd Club, 3rd Federation which was achieved by Edwards, Moulds and Slatter, then we had the 1st Club, 7th Federation, 13th National by Mr and Mrs Winder.
We can now confirm Mr and Mrs Winder have clocked the same pigeon that finished 13th National in the last race to win 1st Club, 15th Federation, 4th Section, 14th National, 508 birds, 418 miles from Kinzweiler in Germany!
This is an absolutely fantastic result and credit to Mr and Mrs Winder for getting these test loft pigeons to perform to their best.
We can now confirm this pigeon has returned to Rasbull Lofts to join our breeding programme. She is a Granddaughter to Rasbull Semtex.
The old bird season has now come to a close and we have had a fantastic season to date with the following positions being won by our test loft pigeons:-
6 x 1st, 5 x 2nd, 3rd, 3 x 5th, 4 x 6th Club
1st, 3rd, 7th, 12th, 14th, 2 x 15th Federation
13th, 14th, 25th National
Congratulations to our test lofts who achieved these results!
Our focus now changes to the young bird season. We have our test loft birds placed at 4 lofts for the coming season. We have high hopes and we will continue to update as the feedback to their progress is received.
We have been busy altering the loft in preparation for the coming breeding season. We always plan early for the new breeding season. All pigeons will be analysed and only the best will remain in the lofts and be included in our breeding plans.
We have made the decision to increase the capacity of the loft to accommodate 22 pairs for the coming season and we finished this work last week and we are very happy with the result.
We are currently in talks with a fancier in Holland regarding two issues and we hope to have some news in the next few weeks as a result of these discussions!
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