Sunday, 22 September 2019

Dream achieved in fantastic season!

Our ambition when we setup up our breeding loft was to breed a 1st National winner and on the 20th September 2019 we achieved that ambition with 2nd National thrown in too! Our birds have once again exceeded all expectations this season at our test lofts and this years results have surpassed our wildest dreams!

This seasons results achieved by birds bred at Rasbull Lofts and raced by our test lofts:-

8 x 1st, 7 x 2nd, 6 x 3rd, 4 x 4th, 3 x 5th, 7 x 6th Club
2 x 1st, 2nd, 2 x 3rd, 4th, 5th, 2 x 7th, 10th, 2 x 12th, 14th, 2 x 15th, 23rd, 2 x 28th Federation
1st, 2nd, 13th, 14th, 25th, 41st National

Before I go on, I need to pay utmost respect and offer sincere congratulations to our test loft Mr and Mrs Winder, from Abercynon who have had an unbelievable season and who have tested our birds to the maximum. I have visited every week on race day to watch the birds come home and would like to thank Alan and Lorna for making me most welcome. They are top fanciers who put huge effort into the birds and deserve all the credit for what has been the season of their life!

Where to start? Firstly, there was the old bird season where our test loft birds won 6 x 1st, 5 x 2nd, 3rd, 3 x 5th, 4 x 6th Club. 1st, 3rd, 7th, 12th, 14th, 2 x 15th Federation. 13th, 14th, 25th National.

The highlights of the old bird season was the 1st Federation winner for Mr and Mrs Winder bred out of our No.1 stock cock Rasbull Semtex but the highlight without a doubt was a blue hen, who has now returned to our loft called Rasbull D'Artagnan who scored 1st Club, 7th Federation, 13th National Duffel, 341 miles, 932 birds and followed up this performance two weeks later to score 1st Club, 15th Federation, 14th National, 508 birds, 418 miles.

We now move to the young bird season where our birds won 2 x 1st, 2 x 2nd, 5 x 3rd, 4 x 4th Club, 2 x 1st, 2nd, 2 x 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th Federation, 1st, 2nd, 41st National. 

It goes without saying the highlight of the entire season was our test loft birds winning 1st and 2nd National, 263 miles, Burbure for Mr and Mrs Winder. It is an unbelievable achievement with just 1 second separating the two birds! The National winner has been named Rasbull Maximus and will return to Rasbull Lofts to begin his breeding career.

Sire of 1st National is Rasbull Nemesis, purchased direct from Koen Van Roy from his No.1 cock Lucky 29. Rasbull Nemesis is half brother to Olympic Linda, 28 x 1st and Olympiad pigeon. Dam of 1st National is Rasbull Valhalla, purchased direct from Jacob Poortvliet's No.1 cock Georgio, when paired to a daughter of his nestmate Georgina. Rasbull Valhalla is also the mother to the pigeon that finished 1st UK, 12th International, King of the Atlantic in the Derby Arona in 2017.

The National winner had already scored 3rd Club, 3rd Federation, 1,667 birds, 68 miles and 12th Federation, 4,323 birds, 68 miles prior to winning the big one! This resulted in Rasbull Maximus being awarded the JO Davies Cup (Best Young Bird in Wales).

If that wasn't good enough we also bred the 2nd National pigeon! She has been named Rasbull Athena and will also be returning to our breeding loft to begin her breeding career.

Sire of 2nd National is Rasbull Chief, purchased from AL Painter, direct from their No.1 breeding bird, The Golden Cock.

Dam of 2nd National is our No.1 breeding hen Rasbull 01. She is a daughter of our No.1 stock cock Rasbull Semtex. She is the Dam of last seasons 4th National, Duffel, 341 miles Rasbull Dicks 49er.

Another highlight of the season was our No.1 Cock Rasbull Semtex, now being Sire to 1st Federation, G.Sire to 1st Federation and G.G.Sire to 1st Federation! This is a fantastic line in our loft and when you also add G.Sire to 2nd National into the mix you can see why the loft is built entirely around this fabulous cock.

In addition to the results achieved we also scored well in the Penywaun Breeder Buyer winning £600 and also had a great run in the Knock out competition and finishing 3rd and winning £175 with another of our test lofts N.Bright & Son.

Another highlight was Mr and Mrs Winder winning 1st Club, 1st Federation this year with a pigeon bred by one of our test loft birds. The sire of 1st Federation was a cock that has scored 25th National, 341 miles and also 2nd Club, Kinzweiler, 418 miles. He has now returned to our loft and has been named Rasbull Ceasar. His nestmate won 1st Club, 1st Federation for Mr and Mrs Winder in 2017. His full sister is Rasbull D'Artagnan who was 13th and 14th National this year. Rasbull Ceasar is bred from Rasbull 27 who is now Sire and G.Sire to 7 x 1st, 2 x 1st Federations and is a son of Rasbull Semtex. The Dam of Rasbull Ceasar is Rasbull Kulpa 699, who was purchased from S&P Kulpa and is now Dam/G.Dam to 2 x 1st Federation.

Our attention now turns to breeding for next year. We have a breeding plan in progress and details of some of our pairings for next year are listed on our website.

Nearly every pigeon in our loft has now bred at least 1st Club apart from select young birds which have been retained for breeding purposes this year including two crackers the same way bred as the National winner. We will have 17 or 18 pairs for breeding this coming season and we hope next year will again see improvements but it will be hard to match this season that's for sure! We have again removed any pigeons not producing and have added test loft birds who have scored 1st, 2nd, 13th, 14th, 25th National and sire to 1st Federation to our stock loft which will undoubtedly add to our winning gene pool already housed here at Rasbull Lofts.

We have entered 5 pigeons into the Derby Arona this year which will give us an interest throughout the cold winter months. We have sent 2 from Rasbull 66 x Rasbull Boudicea, 1 from Rasbull 26 x Rasbull Dicks 49er and 2 from Rasbull 27 x Rasbull Kulpa 699. Our best youngsters were retained for breeding purposes so it will be interesting to see how these perform.

Finally, thank you once again to our test loft who have made these results possible, in particular Mr and Mrs Winder. We look forward to continued success next year. We will announce next years Test lofts when they have been finalised in the next couple of months.

(National Presentation Night - 1st Combine, 1st National, JO Davies Cup - Best Young Bird Wales)

(Alan and Lorna holding 1st & 2nd National)

(Rasbull Maximus 1st Combine, 1st National, JO Davies Cup (Best Young Bird in Wales)

(Rasbull Athena 2nd Combine, 2nd National)

(Rasbull D'Artagnan 13th and 14th National)

(Rasbull Ceasar bred 1st Federation winner)

Friday, 19 July 2019

Superb way to finish the old bird season!

Its been a great few weeks for our test loft birds following the 1st Club, 1st Federation achieved by Mr and Mrs Winder, 2nd Club, 3rd Federation which was achieved by Edwards, Moulds and Slatter, then we had the 1st Club, 7th Federation, 13th National by Mr and Mrs Winder.

 We can now confirm Mr and Mrs Winder have clocked the same pigeon that finished 13th National in the last race to win 1st Club, 15th Federation, 4th Section, 14th National, 508 birds, 418 miles from Kinzweiler in Germany!

This is an absolutely fantastic result and credit to Mr and Mrs Winder for getting these test loft pigeons to perform to their best.

We can now confirm this pigeon has returned to Rasbull Lofts to join our breeding programme. She is a Granddaughter to Rasbull Semtex. 

The old bird season has now come to a close and we have had a fantastic season to date with the following positions being won by our test loft pigeons:-

6 x 1st, 5 x 2nd, 3rd, 3 x 5th, 4 x 6th Club 

1st, 3rd, 7th, 12th, 14th, 2 x 15th Federation 

13th, 14th, 25th National 

Congratulations to our test lofts who achieved these results!

Our focus now changes to the young bird season. We have our test loft birds placed at 4 lofts for the coming season. We have high hopes and we will continue to update as the feedback to their progress is received.

We have been busy altering the loft in preparation for the coming breeding season. We always plan early for the new breeding season. All pigeons will be analysed and only the best will remain in the lofts and be included in our breeding plans.

We have made the decision to increase the capacity of the loft to accommodate 22 pairs for the coming season and we finished this work last week and we are very happy with the result.

We are currently in talks with a fancier in Holland regarding two issues and we hope to have some news in the next few weeks as a result of these discussions!

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Great Performance!

After a great performance by our test loft Mr and Mrs Winder a couple of weeks ago in winning 1st Club, 1st Federation, 3,239 birds we can confirm they have followed that up with an outstanding result in the Welsh South East National from Duffel, 341 miles.

Mr and Mrs Winder clocked two of our test loft birds to finish 1st Club, 7th Section, 13th National and 2nd Club, 11th Section, 25th National! Both pigeons were Grandchildren of Rasbull Semtex and were full brother and sister.

The Sire is Rasbull 27, a son of Rasbull Semtex. Rasbull 27's breeding record now stands at Sire to 5 x 1st, 4 x 2nd, 5 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 3 x 6th Club including 1st, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 26th Federation, 8th Section Federation, 13th, 25th, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 83rd National WSENFC

(Rasbull 27)

The Dam is Rasbull Kulpa 699, bred by S&P Kulpa. She is sister to 5 x 1st Federation winners!
Rasbull Kulpa 699's record now reads Dam to 2 x 1st, 4 x 2nd, 4 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 3 x 6th Club including 1st, 25th Federation, 13th, 25th, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 83rd National WSENFC

(Rasbull Kulpa 699)

The nestmate to the pigeon who finished 25th National won 1st Federation, 2,834 birds for Mr and Mrs Winder in 2017 as a young bird!

Mr and Mrs Winder clocked all 3 of our test birds from Duffel and will now be sent to Kinzweiler, 421 miles.

Our overall record now with birds bred at Rasbull Lofts and raced by our test lofts currently reads:

12 x 1st, 11 x 2nd, 11 x 3rd, 6 x 4th, 7 x 5th, 6 x 6th Club

2 x 1st, 3rd, 2 x 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 2 x 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 2 x 21st, 2 x 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 33rd, 38th, 39th Federation

4th, 13th, 20th, 25th, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 63rd, 64th, 70th, 71st, 81st, 83rd National

All youngsters in the sale of young birds we held last week have been sold. We have 9 currently in the nest and may offer 3 or 4 of these for sale. If anyone is interested please contact us for details.

Details of all our birds can be found on our website at

Friday, 24 May 2019

No stopping the Semtex line!

Huge congratulations to our test loft of Mr and Mrs Winder who clocked a daughter of Rasbull Semtex, our No.1 stock cock to finish 1st Club, 1st Federation, 3,239 birds, 88 miles as part of our test loft programme!

Wow...Semtex has now bred a 1st Federation winner, his son Rasbull 27 has bred a 4 x 1st Club winners including 1st Federation and 34th, 45th and 47th National and his daughter Rasbull 01 has bred 3 x 1st Club winners including 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th Federation including 4th and 20th National! Our whole loft is based around Rasbull Semtex and he is rewarding our faith and belief in him as his genes continue to breed winner after winner. What a line of pigeons this is throwing out year after year!

This has been a fantastic season so far for Rasbull pigeons racing for our test loft Mr and Mrs Winder. In 5 races so far our test loft birds have achieved the following results:-

3 x 1st, 2 x 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 3 x 6th Club
1st, 12th and 15th Federation

All these results have been achieved by Mr and Mrs Winder and they have been outstanding and continue to give our birds the best possible conditions to fulfill their potential.

Just to remind everyone all our birds have only ever been gifted to our test lofts and non have been sold privately over the past 3 years apart from 2 that went to Wayne Thomas. As announced previously we are now in a position where we will be holding an online auction featuring young birds from all 12 of our stock birds housed at Rasbull Lofts.

The auction will take place on the Rasbull Loft Facebook page and will start on Saturday 8th June 2019 at 6pm and will finish on Sunday 16th June 2019 at 9pm. Pedigrees for our pairings are currently on our Facebook page.

Anyone who has any questions about our forth coming auction please don't hesitate to contact us.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Another top performance by our test loft!

Our birds continue to do well this season for our test loft of Mr and Mrs Winder. Following the three first places in the first three races with Rasbull pigeons, they again had an excellent race with Rasbull pigeons finishing 3rd, 5th and 6th Club, 135 miles against 211 birds.

It has been a tremendous start to the season and after just four races Alan and Lorna have recorded the following positions with our pigeons:-

3 x 1st, 2 x 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 3 x 6th including 12th and 15th Federation.

We are very pleased with how the birds are coming and considering Alan and Lorna have 13 in their race team they are performing very well in a club sending over 200 birds to each of the races so far.

Congratulations once again Mr and Mrs Winder!

Today's 3rd Club is the same pigeon who was 2nd Club last week. The Sire is Rasbull 27. He is a son of Rasbull Semtex and is also full sister to Rasbull 01, our No.1 stock hen. His breeding record now stands at Sire to 4 x 1st, 3 x 2nd, 5 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 2 x 6th Club including 1st, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 26th Federation, 8th Section Federation, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 83rd National WSENFC 

The Dam of the 2nd Club is Rasbull Kulpa 699 who is bred by S&P Kulpa. This pigeon is also fast becoming a top stock hen. She is a full Sister to 5 x 1st Federation winners and also bred 1st Federation for Mr and Mrs A.Winder. Her breeding record now reads Dam to 1st, 3 x 2nd, 4 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 2 x 6th Club including 1st, 25th Federation, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 83rd National WSENFC

Today's 5th Club is a daughter from Semtex himself. Semtex's record just keeps improving with his current record reading Sire & G.Sire to 7 x 1st, 8 x 2nd, 8 x 3rd, 4 x 4th, 4 x 5th, 4 x 6th Club including 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 2 x 21st, 2 x 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 38th Federation, 8th Section Federation, 4th, 20th, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 64th, 83rd National WSENFC 

Demands and expectations are so high here at Rasbull Lofts that the Dam of the 5th Club and both parents of the pigeon who finished 6th Club have already been moved on having been deemed not good enough for our stock loft! All our stock birds are expected to produce from the start and any that haven't met that standard are removed promptly. Sometimes they are removed a little too quickly!

We are now looking forward to the National races where hopefully our pigeons can continue to perform for our test lofts. We wish our test lofts all the best for the coming races!

Breeding for our test lofts is coming to an end now with just 2 birds left which will go next weekend. 

Our birds have gone to the following test lofts for the coming young bird season:-

7 - Mr and Mrs Carey and Tipper 
9 - N.Bright & Son
19 - Mr and Mrs A.Winder

We also have 4 birds we entered in the Penywaun Breeder Buyer also going this week to the loft of Wayne Thomas. 

(The 4 youngsters going to Wayne Thomas for the Penywaun Breeder Buyer)

This will then allow us to focus on the round currently hatching out who will be sold in our first ever auction of Rasbull Loft pigeons. This auction will start on the 8th June 2019 and will end 15th June 2019 and will feature a full round from every bird in our loft.

We will announce more details of the auction in the coming weeks but if anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Semtex does it again!

Wow, another fantastic performance by out test loft of Mr and Mrs Winder achieved this weekend! Following the two wins in the first two races they have added to that with another 1st and 2nd Club with Rasbull pigeons and actually took the first 7 in their club! Fantastic flying and huge congratulations to both Alan and Lorna.

Both these pigeons are Grandchildren to Rasbull Semtex who breeding record is improving with each race as his genes are throughout our pairings here at Rasbull Lofts.

Sire & G.Sire to 7 x 1st, 8 x 2nd, 7 x 3rd, 4 x 4th, 3 x 5th, 4 x 6th Club including 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 2 x 21st, 2 x 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 38th Federation, 8th Section Federation, 4th, 20th, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 64th, 83rd National WSENFC 

The winning pigeon for Mr and Mrs Winder this week is a pigeon we donated into the Penywaun Breeder Buyer pen sale. As a young bird she duly collected £250 in prize money. She is out of our No.1 pair here at Rasbull Lofts with 6 brothers/sisters to her currently in our stock loft.

The Dam of the winner is Rasbull 01 who is our No.1 stock hen and is a daughter to Rasbull Semtex. She was the mother to the 4th National pigeon Mr and Mrs Winder achieved last year. (Rasbull Dicks 49er who is now back at Rasbull Lofts.) Rasbull 01's breeding record now reads Dam to 3 x 1st, 3 x 2nd, 2 x 3rd, 4th, 6th Club including 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 38th Federation, 4th & 20th, 64th National WSENFC

The Sire of the winner is Rasbull Chief who is direct from AL Painter.
Rasbull Chief is a direct Son of their Fantastic stock cock the 'Golden Cock' when paired to a daughter of Full Set, Homoform Bird of the Year 2013, 16 x 1st,West Midland Region Sprint Champion when paired to Pink Eyes 9 x 1st! Rasbull Chief is Half Brother to Van Persie - 10 x 1st, 2 x 1st Federation and West Midlands Region Award Winner and also Half Brother to Pencil Pied 9 x 1st for A & L Painter including 1st Federation also Sire and G.Sire of winners including 2nd Open East Down Combine. Chief's breeding record now reads Sire to 2 x 1st, 3rd & 6th Club including 6th, 22nd, 38th Federation, 64th National WSENFC

The Sire of the pigeon who finished 2nd Club is Rasbull 27. He is a son of Rasbull Semtex and is also full sister to Rasbull 01 (see above). His breeding record now stands at Sire to 4 x 1st, 3 x 2nd, 4 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 2 x 6th Club including 1st, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 26th Federation, 8th Section Federation, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 83rd National WSENFC 

The Dam of the 2nd Club is Rasbull Kulpa 699 who is bred by S&P Kulpa. This pigeon is also fast becoming a top stock hen. She is a full Sister to 5 x 1st Federation winners and also bred 1st Federation for Mr and Mrs A.Winder. Her breeding record now reads Dam to 1st, 3 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 2 x 6th Club including 1st, 25th Federation, 33rd, 43rd, 45th, 83rd National WSENFC

Monday, 29 April 2019

Online Auction - First offered for sale

After two and half years of testing out our birds following large investment and refusing to sell any despite numerous offers until we had faith the birds we sold were capable of producing the goods, we have decided that we are now in a position to offer a full round off every pigeon we have in an online auction which will take place on our Facebook page.

All our birds have been going to test lofts over the course of the last two and half years and have produced some excellent performances in that time including 9 x 1st winners, 1st Federation and 4th National. In One Loft races they won 1st UK, 13th International in the King of the Atlantic Averages in the Derby Arona race. We also finished 26th International in the final race in the Derby Maspalomas race.

More information will be published on here and on our Facebook shortly. The birds will be auctioned off in June 2019. These will be the first birds made available from our lofts to the general fancy.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Rasbull Rameses breeds another winner!

Wow, what a fantastic start to the season it has been. Two races down and 2 x 1st winners for our test loft of Mr and Mrs A.Winder.

Last week our birds finished 1st Club, 12th Federation, 2nd Club, 15th Federation and 6th Club from 2,719 birds which was a fantastic performance.

This week Alan and Lorna have done it again this time clocking our birds to finish 1st Club and 6th Club from 187 birds.

Rasbull Rameses is the sire of both Club winners in the first two races and is fast cementing himself as a top stock cock here at Rasbull Lofts! He is a direct Koen van Roy pigeon, full Brother to 'Lucky Daisy' 6 x 1st, 30th National La Souteraine 16,665 birds and is Dam to 'Linda' 27 x 1st including 1st Soupes 2,732 birds, 1st Soupes 1,572 birds, 1st Soupes 1,181 birds. 1st Provincial Ace Bird Middle Distance 2015. 6th National Ace Bird Middle Distance KBDB 2015. Olympiad Pigeon Brussels 2017 Cat A. Nestmate to 'Linda' 4 x 1st.

The dam of this weeks winner is Rasbull Kulpa 950 who is bred by S&P Kulpa. This pigeon is also fast becoming a top stock hen. She was the dam of our 26th International Derby Maspalomas final race pigeon. She is a full Sister to 5 x 1st Federation winners and her sister that we have here at Rasbull Lofts also bred 1st Federation for Mr and Mrs A.Winder.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

First race and a great start to the season!

Great start to the season with our test loft of Mr and Mrs A.Winder winning 1st Club, 2nd Club and 6th Club, 237 birds in the first race of the season with birds from Rasbull Lofts. They should also score well on the Federation result when announced. Congratulations to Alan and Lorna on a great start to the season!

The winning pigeon is a son of Rasbull Rameses - Sire to 1st, 2 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, 2 x 6th Club, 5th, 19th, 33rd, 39th Federation, 70th, 71st & 81st National WSENFC, 5th & 35th International Hostpot OLR's.

Rasbull Rameses is a full Brother to 'Lucky Daisy' 6 x 1st, 30th National La Souteraine 16,665 birds and is Dam to 'Linda' 27 x 1st including 1st Soupes 2,732 birds, 1st Soupes 1,572 birds, 1st Soupes 1,181 birds. 1st Provincial Ace Bird Middle Distance 2015. 6th National Ace Bird Middle Distance KBDB 2015. Olympiad Pigeon Brussels 2017 Cat A. Nestmate to 'Linda' 4 x 1st.

The dam of the winning pigeon is Rasbull Boudicea - Dam to 1st, 2 x 2nd, 4th, 6th Club including 5th Federation. Also 5th & 35th International Hostpot OLR's. 53rd Ace Bird Averages OLR.

Rasbull Boudicea was the last daughter ever sold by Jacob Poortvliet from his International winner 'Blue Thunder' 1st Sens, 16,572 birds when paired to 'Georgina' nestmate to No.1 Breeding cock 'Georgio'!

She is Granddaughter to Thunder Heart Woman 1st Ace Bird Long Distance Combine, 42nd. National Ace Bird Long Distance NPO, 7th NPO La Ferte 13,404 birds, 17th NPO Albis 11,945 birds, 17th NPO Orleans 8,538 birds and is Dam to 1st International 16,572 birds - Blue Thunder.

Rasbull Boudicea also bred the pigeon to finish 2nd Club today when paired to Rasbull Kulpa 700 - Sire to 2 x 2nd Club including 5th, 12th Federation, 4th International OLR Hotspot, 63rd National WSENFC.

Rasbull Kulpa700 is full Brother to 6 x 1st Club, 5 x 2nd Club, 4 x 1st Federation, 4 x 2nd Federation, 2 x 4th Federation, 2 x 5th Federation plus many others. His nestmate also bred 1st Club, 1st Federation for Mr and Mrs Winder in 2017.

Full details of all our breeding pigeons housed at can be found on our website

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Breeding Update

I can't believe it is March already! Time has flown but we are behind where we were planning to be at this point in time. Firstly, our pairings have taken far longer to settle than we anticipated. We have swapped a few pairs around as a result and now have 13 pairs settled. We had some fighting as a result of one cock in particular so he has been removed from the loft as he was unsettling 2 or 3 others pairs. The late bred youngsters we retained for breeding in reality needed a little longer to settle and mature than they were given. The birds have been very slow laying as a result of all this and to date we have 16 youngsters in the nest at varying ages. 7 were weaned off today and have gone to one of our new test lofts for 2019, that being Mr and Mrs Carey and Tipper. We have another 9 in the nest which will also be going to another test loft in the next few weeks. We will then be getting back on track with a full round expected to be la
id within the next 10 days.

In the Derby Arona it has once again proved a very difficult race. We have one of our entries left in the loft who happens to be from our No.1 pair, Rasbull Chief x Rasbull 01. There are just 900 birds left from the 3,600 that started. Rasbull 69 is currently sitting 9th Welsh bird in the Grand Averages and 344th International going into the Semi Final next week. There are probably 5 races left in total with 20 races have been completed to date. We are hoping he can get through the semi final and then keep our fingers crossed he can produce a great performance in the final.

We have been asked numerous times about young birds being available to purchase. Due to commitments to our test lofts and wanting to test our birds before offering to the fancy, we always refused to sell any of our birds. However, we can confirm for the first time we will be offering a full round which will be available around July/August and will be sold on Facebook. We will announce further details nearer the time regarding the auction.