Saturday, 15 June 2013

Pleased & Change of Plan

I sent the two old cocks to Newbury (97 miles) and they raced this morning. The wind was supposed to be South Westerly but infact turned out to be more Westerly than anything which didnt help us. However, I was very pleased with the two cocks. They returned home about 2 and half minutes after the club winner and I had clocked the two of them within 6 minutes. This will have done them very good and I now plan to send them t Maidstone (147 miles) in 2 weeks time.
The club announced a change to the race programme last night and they have now put in a Swindon race where any age birds can enter. I am very pleased about this as my youngsters will now be aimed towards this race which is 2 weeks earlier than first planned. They are progressing nicely and should be ready in plenty of time for this race.
I gave the youngsters a training toss from 18 miles yesterday. I libbed them in small groups of 4, 3 and 2's. I rushed the 2nd lib and the first two teams joined together. I continued to lib the rest with plenty of time between them. On return home I was missing 12 birds and the entire 8 that had merged together. The others returned in singles up until 9.30pm On going to bed I was missing just 4. 2 of these were on the loft this morning but as it stands we are still missing 2 from the toss as we speak. Hopefully if not injured or dead they will return later today or tomorrow.
We have given the birds another trainer today again from 18 miles. I sent the 2 race birds to this as well despite racing this morning. They need to claw back that 2 and half minutes!! All home and now have had a good feed and can relax until tomorrow. 

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