Friday, 5 August 2011

Europa Training

The birds performed well in todays trainer from 40 miles. They were 10th, 19th and 200th. Roll on the 3rd Hotspot which should be the next race they compete in!

My own birds have been just loft flown the last few days and I have taken the opportunity to break in the 16 later bred birds that have been just left to mature in their own section for the past 3-4 weeks. I made a mistake by not allowing them to go outside when they were younger. They were pretty strong so thought I had better make it sooner rather than later to break them in. I let them out and being so strong they took to the sky and went everywhere! On the end of the night there were still 14 out around the surrounding streets. Not the way to do it really and one I will be trying to avoid in the future. I am now up to 11 so still missing 5, but at least another 1 is in the area. I guess you learn by your mistakes! ;-)

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