Sunday, 8 May 2011

Best Day!

I decided to send all 8 race birds to Newbury (97 miles) after handling each one. They were liberated at 10.25am and my first bird arrived like a rocket at 12.19pm. She hit the landing board and went straight in. On making a few phone calls it was clear this little hen had put up a great performance. At the knock off it was confirmed this hen had taken 1st Club and to say I over the moon is an understatement. (Picture of the winner on the results section of the website). All 8 arrived safely home to give me 100% returns once again. I am now hoping she makes the federation result and keeping my fingers crossed she makes the result!
A change of plan was quickly made on the back of todays result and on checking the weather conditions it was decided to enter all 8 race birds into the National from Maidstone (177 miles) with the birds basketed tonight and released tomorrow. I have taken a chance that the eggs are not going to arrive tonight and will hope for the best. Not ideal with the birds having flown 100 miles today and then basketed this evening but hopefully they will put in another good performance. I am eagerly awaiting their arrival tomorrow. So this has to be the best day I have had since returning to the sport in 2008 and I hope this is the start of many more good performances to come! I will update tomorrow when the National birds are home!

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