Monday, 14 February 2011

Back to normal!

The results of the Post Mortem came back and no cause was found. The tests that were completed for diseases were all clear and the pigeon appeared to 100% healthy. I could send the organs off for further tests but as the diseases proved not to be the cause and the rest of the birds remain perfectly well don't see the point. To pay for additional tests just to be told it died of a heart attack etc is not worth it. The main thing is the death has caused no harm to the loft and I will put it down to pure bad luck and concentrate on the breeding for the coming season.

The youngsters are all growing fast and I have 30 in the nest which are various ages but all but 2 have rings in place with the oldest feeding themselves from the galley pots in the nestboxes.

Tonight I have removed the eggs that the race birds were sitting and once they have weaned off all the youngsters I will start exercising them in readiness for the racing season. I plan on keeping the cocks in one section and the hens in another for the start of the season. I will exercise them separately to start with and go from there.

I have removed another 2 birds into the stock loft as they were late breds from last year and I would like to take a couple of youngsters from them and see how they perform before racing them.

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