Saturday, 29 August 2009

Its time!

Well its the night before the biggest race of the season - The Europa Classic. I have just checked and there are 754 birds that have been marked for the Final Race. I am planning on leaving to go to the lofts to await the winners early tomorrow morning. They are looking at liberating at 6.30am if the weather is good. A big crowd I am sure will be there and to have 3 birds in the race that I have actually bred is quite special. The distance is 285 miles and this is sort of distance the birds I have bred should really excel at. They have not really been on the button in the sprint races but you dont get Paula Radclife winning a 100m race do you? Horses for courses and my birds are in this race at their optimal distance, make no mistake about that!

My own birds are relaxing around the loft, heavily moulting. They have not been exercising much which is a concern and with Swindon (76 miles) next week, at this moment there is a doubt if they will go as they are not race fit. I may wait until two weeks after that and put them into Newbury (97 miles). This way I will have time to give them some road work to make them fly and get them properly prepared for the race. They will be right when they go and if not they will remain in the loft.

Well good luck to my 3 tomorrow and everyone else who has pigeon/pigeons in the race! May the best bird win!!

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