I can't believe it is March already! Time has flown but we are behind where we were planning to be at this point in time. Firstly, our pairings have taken far longer to settle than we anticipated. We have swapped a few pairs around as a result and now have 13 pairs settled. We had some fighting as a result of one cock in particular so he has been removed from the loft as he was unsettling 2 or 3 others pairs. The late bred youngsters we retained for breeding in reality needed a little longer to settle and mature than they were given. The birds have been very slow laying as a result of all this and to date we have 16 youngsters in the nest at varying ages. 7 were weaned off today and have gone to one of our new test lofts for 2019, that being Mr and Mrs Carey and Tipper. We have another 9 in the nest which will also be going to another test loft in the next few weeks. We will then be getting back on track with a full round expected to be la
id within the next 10 days.
In the Derby Arona it has once again proved a very difficult race. We have one of our entries left in the loft who happens to be from our No.1 pair, Rasbull Chief x Rasbull 01. There are just 900 birds left from the 3,600 that started. Rasbull 69 is currently sitting 9th Welsh bird in the Grand Averages and 344th International going into the Semi Final next week. There are probably 5 races left in total with 20 races have been completed to date. We are hoping he can get through the semi final and then keep our fingers crossed he can produce a great performance in the final.
We have been asked numerous times about young birds being available to purchase. Due to commitments to our test lofts and wanting to test our birds before offering to the fancy, we always refused to sell any of our birds. However, we can confirm for the first time we will be offering a full round which will be available around July/August and will be sold on Facebook. We will announce further details nearer the time regarding the auction.