Sunday, 27 July 2014

One Loft Updates

The 2nd Hotspot in the Pigeon Pixels took place on Friday 25th July 2014 and our 3 entries once again did well. We finished 5th, 16th and 26th from the 44 sent. All 3 are from our top pair here at Rasbull Lofts and hopefully they will continue to secure decent performances throughout the series. So far 05301 has been 4th, 05302 has been 5th and 05306 has been 5th in the 2 races that have been held! This pair are proving to be capable of producing very good birds!

Our entries in the Welsh Classic Challenge are progressing very nicely and all 5 remain in the lofts of B.Williams and Son (double BICC winners)! Racing is beginning very shortly so will be interesting to see how our birds perform. We have our top youngsters down their this year from our 3 best pairs so fingers crossed they will perform very well.

We will continue to update this page with news as and when it happens! All news is also featured on Pigeon Pixels forum. Please visit

We will be monitoring the market from now until December to ensure we obtain at least one very good addition to our stock loft. The new policy is going very well but you can't stand still and need to continue introducing outstanding birds to the loft as they become available.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Pigeon Pixels One Loft - Hotspot 1

Great start for our entries in the Pigeon Pixels One Loft Race. Our 3 entries finished 4th, 5th and 19th Hotspot with 44 birds sent from 103 miles. Great start for the birds who are all off my number 1 pair which I have high hopes for!

The sire of these 3 birds is:- 'Rasbull Semtex'  Purchased Alan Evans Sale. 1st Club, 2nd Section (1,438 birds), 3rd Federation (3,652 birds). 4th RPRA Welsh Region Jubilee Race Bordeaux 2012. 1st year at stock bred 80th Open, 265 miles, 240 Birds Somerset One Loft Race 2013. Bred 3rd Open, 225 miles, 30 Birds Pigeon Pixels One Loft Race 2013.

The dam of these 3 birds is:-  'Rasbull Aquaflight' Bred by Martin Hayne. Finished 52nd Open Young Bird Final, Somerset One Loft Race 2012, 265 miles, 549 birds. Finished 18th Open Yearling Race 2nd Hotspot, Somerset One Loft Race 2013, 265 miles, 113 birds. 2nd Open Yearling Race Final, Somerset One Loft Race 2013 - 389 miles, 79 birds (Beaten by 37 seconds winning £6,450 and clear of the 3rd bird by 27 minutes!). Grandfather on both sides was Breakaway Boy - 1st Open BBC National Vire 2010. Grandmother was Somerset Dawn - 1st Open Somerset One Loft Race, 310 miles in 2010 beating 2nd pigeon by 1hr and 39 minutes! Her first year at stock!!

What a great start for this pairing and I am certainly hoping for bigger and better things to come from this fantastic pairing in the future! A class pair in every way.