Tuesday, 2 April 2013

A huge blow!

We suffered a massive blow in our first training toss last week. I decided to basket 36 birds in total and take them on their first toss of the season. The weather was cold but dry and sunny. A hawk strike yet again did for us and we ended up with birds returning just prior to getting dusk! We ended up losing 17 birds and that can only dbe described as a disaster! Training is becoming more and more of a problem for us here, with the valley the birds come up littered with hawks. From the same location last season, I had one reported in Western Super Mare and my brother had one reported in Wrexham!! It goes to show that the birds just flap there wings, put their head down and just keep going when a hawk does attack. This has resulted in a ruined breeding season as out of 18 pairs I have just 2 that are fully intact!
With this in mind I have reduced the Rasbull Share Syndicate entries to 4 instead of the planned 9. I have informed all shareholders and refunded the shareholders the relevant monies due to the reduction in birds being sent.
I have updated the shareholder page with the new share syndicate members and also I have allocated the birds to the relevant syndicates and attached a picture of the bird that will represent the syndicate members. I am still obligated to other events this season and this week will sit down and work out what I can send to represent the loft given the disaster we have just suffered and the result it has had on the breeding season. Once I have decided what I will be doing I will update. Our club racing is due to start in 2 weeks time but the temperature is still around 5 degrees and outside my window the Brecon Beacons are completely covered with snow...its April for goodness sake!!!!!