I have now 13 in the nest which are growing well. 11 have been rung and the size of your fist. 2 hatched out about 3 days ago. I have 6 eggs with 1 pair to lay due to recently being paired due to losing partner during training.
I picked up 6 birds youngbirds yesterday. 4 from a club mate which were a variety of Van Reets and Dhanens. I then went to the lofts of the well known Mel Mayo who lives in Bargoed. I have to say this man had a presence that very few pigeon men achieve! His lofts are on a site directly opposite his house and I could have spent all day talking to him. He has won Nationals and bred National winning birds for other fanciers. He is most definitely regarded as one of the best fanciers in Wales. He took me and my brother around his lofts and his birds looked class. I was amazed with certain aspects and would have said I wouldnt have believed it if not seen with my own eyes! I picked up a lovely mealy from him with a shadow type marking on all wing flights. I also picked up a bird from Lovell Brothers who also have won Nationals into Wales.
So all in all a very busy, but interesting week. With the birds I have picked up and the ones in the nest I have a total of 24 young birds. 6 eggs. I still have 8 young birds to pick up from various fanciers which I have bought. I am so looking forward to trying my own birds against these youngsters I have introduced to see they compare against them!
Racing starts in under 4 weeks and I have just been loft exercising the 5 race birds during the last few days. I will wait until a couple of weeks before the first race then give them 3 or 4 tosses on the line of flight. Roll on the 17th April!