Monday, 28 December 2009

Its Time!

Well the birds were paired up on Boxing day - 13 pairs in total. They are currently being locked in their boxes to ensure the pairs are fully aware of who their partner is. I let some of the birds out for the first time since racing on Christmas day, and tried to break a few of the stock birds that have been in for a while. I let out 4 that had not been out before and by nightfall all 4 were missing. 2 days later, 2 appeared back at the loft. I have managed to break 2 of my Europa birds which I purchased in 2008. So fingers crossed, these will be trained up with my 7 young birds that I had from last season. I also managed to break a youngster I purchased as well, so all being well will have a race team of 10 birds. 7 youngsters, 2 ex Europa birds and an untrained youngster. So I am happy with that. I have also started making plans to build my new young bird loft and aim to complete this come the end of January.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Well done 'Rasbull Studley'

'Rasbull Studley' has just won 2nd Through the Wires Any Age in Phillipstown show. A lot of top fanciers were there so a great achievement for the lofts. There is another show next week in Abercynon so I am hoping he will be amongst the mix again.
In the loft, the cocks are busy picking there boxes and the hens waiting patiently for this to happen. It will be all systems go then! These shows are a great way to pass the close season, a decent night out and a bit of fun win or lose. Racing is where it matters though!